Leadership Relationship Building

Embracing Vulnerability: The Courageous Path to Authentic Leadership

In the traditional notion of leadership, vulnerability is often seen as a weakness – something to be avoided at all costs. Leaders are expected to project an image of strength, confidence, and infallibility, lest they be perceived as incapable or ineffective. However, this outdated perspective not only undermines trust and authenticity but also stifles personal […]

Book Reviews Potential Purpose Women

Lead Like You: Interview with Jo Wagstaff

At 32 Jo Wagstaff was the only female executive at one of Australia’s leading wealth management organisations, when she was poached by James Packer to join his then financial services group. On the surface she ‘had it all’ – the career, the car, the home, the husband and the baby. That was the year it […]

Brain Science Leadership Positivity

Leading with Gratitude: How a Personal Practice Can Transform Your Leadership Journey

Gratitude is a powerful tool that can transform not only our personal lives but also our professional journeys as leaders. When we are leading with gratitude, we create a positive and supportive environment that fosters growth, collaboration, and innovation. Expressing appreciation for the efforts and contributions of our team members is not only a kind […]

Development Impostor Syndrome Positivity Psychology Wellness

Breaking through impostor syndrome: How to feel confident and successful in your career

Are you feeling like a fraud in the workplace? Do you often feel like you don’t belong in the professional world, despite all the success you’ve achieved? If so, you may be experiencing impostor syndrome. This is a phenomenon where individuals doubt their accomplishments and feel undeserving of their successes. If you’ve been struggling with […]

Brain Science Emotional Intelligence Motivation Positivity Productivity Psychology Research

Brain Hacks for More Happiness

Brain Hacks for More Happiness. Happiness is a habit, it’s like an inside job, so to speak. We can maximise our opportunity to be happy by understanding what happens in our brains, what brings us a chemical high of being happy. The limbic system is the part of the brain that controls our motivation, behaviour, […]

Leadership Mindfulness Motivation Positivity Productivity Resilience Wellness

What to Do When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed at Work

Are you overwhelmed at work? Do you feel overworked and overwhelmed? Maybe your inbox is overflowing, and you wake up at night wondering what to do first when you arrive at the office in the morning. Take control of your workload before you become burned out. Start with this checklist for helpful things you can […]

Brain Science Change Coaching Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Leadership Organisational Culture Teamwork Values and Behaviours

Building positive culture in the workplace, Part 2

This month, we began a series on building positive culture in the workplace. We discussed Barbara Frederickson’s Broaden and Build Theory, which asserts that the more positivity we experience, the likelier we are to exhibit behaviors such as: discovery, awareness, and curiosity. In order to experience more positivity, then, it would behoove us to consider […]

Brain Science Change Coaching Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Leadership Organisational Culture Teamwork Values and Behaviours

Building a positive culture in the workplace

Imagine a workplace where… you’re actually glad to come into work. collaborations with colleagues come easily your team brainstorms and develops phenomenal ideas all hands are on deck; everyone’s committed, focused, and enthusiastic about the work ahead as a result, the end-products you produce are game-changing for your company at the end of the day, […]