Development Leadership Management New Job

Are Your People Critical Flight Risks?

Are your people critical flight risks? I was speaking with a connection of mine recently, who has just resigned from a long-term employment relationship. He was happy at work, enjoyed his job, and hadn’t thought about going elsewhere, but he was headhunted. He was a critical flight risk. I asked why he chose to leave. […]

Employee Engagement Management Motivation Organisational Culture Recognition at Work

Are You Tired of Working Without Recognition?

Are you tired of working without recognition? Employees want it, managers know it’s important, and it usually doesn’t cost anything. When you look at it that way, you’d expect to be drowning in recognition at work. Watch the video (4 mins 55s) or read on for tips to get more recognition at work. A recent […]

Employee Engagement Leadership Productivity Teamwork Workplace

Is Your Leadership Style Holding Your Team Back?

The debate over which leadership style breeds winning teams is as heated as ever. Some executives and managers argue for an autocratic approach, while others value empathy above all else. Some prefer to participate in a democratic team, and others set themselves apart as coaches or mentors. Wherever you stand in the discussion, it’s essential […]

Employee Engagement Leadership Management Motivation Productivity Teamwork

Leading the way – How to show your staff you’re a Leader not just a Manager

There’s a lot of talk in the business world about being a leader, as opposed to a manager. And is that any wonder when you consider how people generally talk about managers? We’ve all heard friends or colleagues complain about the monster manager who passes off their work, or the manager who never listens to […]

Communication Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Leadership Management Relationship Building Teamwork Uncategorized

The Art of Paying Attention

Recently I read two articles that I found interesting – one about the myth of multitasking and the other about emotional contagion. They got me thinking about just how powerful paying attention is as a leadership tool. Watch the video, or read on. The article on multitasking described how biologically we are incapable of attending […]

Change Communication Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Organisational Culture Resilience

4 Ways to Help Employees through Change

Change is the six-letter word that makes most of us cringe. Ask anyone how they feel about change, and most people will tell you it’s not their favorite thing to experience in life. That’s because change can be incredibly difficult and more than a little stressful—especially when change occurs in the workplace. Here are 4 […]

Adaptive Teams Coaching Communication Employee Engagement Leadership Management Motivation Relationship Building Teamwork

5 Critical Keys to Becoming a Trusted Leader

Becoming a Trusted Leader: “We can build our leadership upon fear, obligation, or trust. However, only a foundation of trust results in the collaboration and goodwill necessary to achieve our peak performance.” – Roger Allen Watch the video or read on for the transcript. These words are certainly true. Trust in leaders plays a central […]

Employee Engagement Extrinsic Vs. Intrinsic Motivation Leadership Management Organisational Culture Productivity Teamwork

What is Employee Engagement Really?

Employee engagement is often misunderstood. In fact, there are two types of engagement – rational engagement and emotional engagement. One is nice to have, but the real value comes from capturing hearts as well as minds. Join Ros Cardinal, Managing Director of Shaping Change as she discusses the differences. (6 mins 54s watch time). If […]

Coaching Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Generational Differences Leadership Motivation Organisational Culture Teamwork

Generation Y: how to attract and keep them?

Our guest author, James Goodricke, continues his thoughts on Generation Y in the workplace in Part 2. Read Part 1 here. While generation gaps are nothing new, with Generation Y it isn’t so much a gap as a discontinuity. Growing up with the internet has given them a very different way of viewing the world, […]

Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Organisational Culture Teamwork Values and Behaviours

Generation Y: what makes them tick?

Today’s guest article is from James Goodricke. James is a recent journalism graduate and is our Research Assistant. As a Generation Y himself, we asked him to contribute a 2 part article on Gen Y in the workplace. Part 1 – What makes Gen Y tick? With the Baby Boomers starting to retire, there are […]