Artificial Intelligence IT Technology

Future Trends for AI-Powered Predictive Analytics Leaders Should Anticipate

Predictive analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) significantly impact our daily lives. And industries like healthcare, banking and finance, automotive, manufacturing, and retail have been utilizing the wonders of AI for more efficient operations. AI experts have said that this is the start of an era in which AI will handle and oversee everything, making it […]

IT Technology Workplace

Five invaluable tools to better your workforce

With uncertainty running riot around the workforce, employees have been left feeling under-compensated and underappreciated. Looming recessions, wage cuts, and industry actions have led to ever-decreasing workplace morale, something managers are actively looking to combat. The below tools provide the perfect methods to do so, bringing back elements of excitement, drive, and anticipation that have […]

Adaptive Teams Mastery Remote and Hybrid Teams Technology

Future of Work: How to Navigate The Changing Landscape and Succeed

With the ever-changing work landscape, being adaptable is now more important than ever. “Adapt or die”, said Charles Darwin, who established the theory of natural selection. While true for living things, it’s especially true for the work landscape. That’s why being adaptable gives anyone a competitive advantage in a dynamic environment. But first, how exactly […]

Personal Brand Social Media Technology Workplace

Building a Powerful LinkedIn Profile That Gets Results

One of the most critical things to invest time in when looking for a job is your LinkedIn profile. It works as your online resume or portfolio that continues to benefit you even when you sleep. Creating a powerful LinkedIn profile is a great way to build and boost your personal brand. Many employers check […]

IT Productivity Technology

Successfully Implementing New Technology in the Workplace

It doesn’t matter what you do, how big your company is, and where you’re located – you need to do whatever you can to make your business as successful as possible. One of the ways to do that is by implementing new technology in the workplace and updating it from time to time. This isn’t […]

Finances Leadership Management Resilience Technology

Managing money effectively during COVID-19

Each year, the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) publishes its insolvency report. For 2019-2020, the top cause of business failure was inadequate cash flow or high cash use in 51% of cases. 85% of failed companies had estimated assets of $100,000 or less, and 38% had estimated liabilities of $250,000 or less. The adage […]

Adaptive Teams Communication Community Development Employee Engagement Leadership Management Productivity Technology

3 keys to effectively leading remote teams

Less than a year ago, the topic of remote teams and whether or not more companies should consider flexible work options was nothing more than an occasional conversation piece. Today, the majority of the global workforce (with exception to “essential” employees who are slowly reporting back to work in some parts of the world) is […]

Adaptive Teams Change Communication Employee Engagement Leadership Management Motivation Productivity Teamwork Technology Workplace

7 remote work habits you should avoid

For the first time in history, there are more people working remotely than in traditional offices. That is the new normal during the Coronavirus pandemic. Most employers and employees weren’t prepared to make the transition to this new normal and, as is anyone’s guess, that has precipitated many challenges especially to employees.   Work from […]

Adaptive Teams Communication Community Employee Engagement Leadership Management Productivity Technology

The top project management and organisation tools for remote teams

Remote work has become the new normal for the majority of the global workforce. Many companies are now even considering a permanent transition to remote working, having now experienced firsthand the many benefits of such an arrangement, such as the absence of overhead costs that come with running an onsite office (utility bills, equipment costs, […]

Adaptive Teams Leadership Management Productivity Technology

Using technology to improve your decision-making process

For your business to run smoothly, you have to make decisions, whether simple or complex. And every decision you make can affect the success of the company in the long term. As an executive, you have to ensure continued operation and growth of the business, and this can be significantly more straightforward by using technology. […]