Adaptive Teams Development Organisational Culture Potential Psychological Safety

Why a Growth Mindset is Crucial for Effective Leadership

Embracing a growth mindset, the belief that talents and abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, is fundamental for leadership success. It challenges the idea that intelligence and skill are static, offering instead a perspective that sees potential in effort and resilience. This adaptability is essential in today’s ever-evolving business landscape, encouraging leaders […]

Book Reviews Potential Purpose Women

Lead Like You: Interview with Jo Wagstaff

At 32 Jo Wagstaff was the only female executive at one of Australia’s leading wealth management organisations, when she was poached by James Packer to join his then financial services group. On the surface she ‘had it all’ – the career, the car, the home, the husband and the baby. That was the year it […]

Development Impostor Syndrome Leadership Perfectionism Potential Wellness

From Perfectionism to Productivity: 11 Strategies for Achieving Success and Balance

Kellie’s Perfectionism Story Kellie was a high-achiever and had always been a self-described perfectionist. She was a top performer at her job and took pride in the quality of her work. However, over time, her perfectionism had started to take a toll. She spent long hours at the office, constantly reworking projects and second-guessing herself. […]

Brain Science Leadership Potential Productivity

7 Brain Hacks That Boost Productivity

7 Brain Hacks That Boost Productivity. Productivity is important. There are many obstacles to productivity, such as a lack of focus, a lack of intention, a lack of stamina, and too many distractions, to name a few. Hack your brain and increase your productivity with these 7 strategies. (3 minutes 41 seconds watch time, or read […]

Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Potential Productivity

4 Key Characteristics of a Leader That People Want to Do Their Best For

You can’t make people give you discretionary effort There are 4 key characteristics of a leader that people want to do their best for… I was meeting a business contact for a coffee recently and we started talking about getting the best out of people. My contact works in an industry that can be quite […]

Coaching Development Leadership Personal Brand Potential

A Tasmanian Success Story – Taking it international in an age of COVID-19

2020 was a pretty tough year for business in general, and a sector that has taken a big hit is training and development. Many operations shut their doors, some permanently, as everyone struggled to cope in the wake of mass cancellations. In a couple of short weeks, the industry went from boom to bust. For […]

Development Leadership Management Potential Productivity

How to effectively step into a leadership role

If you’re interested in stepping into a management role within your existing workplace or are keen on reinventing yourself as a leader in an entirely new industry, there are strategies you can implement in your personal and professional development to help you step into a leadership role effectively. Below, we discuss 5 key action steps […]

Adaptive Teams Development Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Leadership Management Motivation Personality Positivity Potential Productivity Teamwork Values and Behaviours Workplace

4 characteristics of inspiring leaders

There’s something about inspirational leadership that affects us on a visceral level. When we think of leaders such as Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Sheryl Sandberg—we can’t help but stand in awe of their achievements and their influence. These are individuals who have built powerful personal brands with passionate followings, […]

Adaptive Teams Development Employee Engagement Leadership Management Motivation Organisational Culture Potential Productivity Values and Behaviours Wellness Workplace

The value of upskilling in the workplace

We’ve talked a lot about the importance of continual education among employees, as well as the importance of upskilling. As Helen Sabell from the College of Adult Learning writes, “Increased training means greater productivity and increased time efficiency, which leads to higher long-term profits. By initiating training and development schemes, staff are kept industry-proficient and […]

Coaching Development Leadership Mastery Mindfulness Potential Productivity Research Stress

Want to get started with a leadership journal? Here’s how

In our last blog, we discussed the benefits of keeping a journal, especially if you’re in a position of leadership. In fact, journaling for as little as 15 minutes a day can potentially improve a person’s confidence and self-awareness. Others report benefits such as better organisation, improved decision making, improved attitude, enhanced intention, and positive […]