As a team leader it can be exhausting to juggle all of your own duties, let alone make sure that everyone else is motivated enough to carry out theirs. I’ve learned that the hard way after two and a half years of heading up our marketing team. Add in that we’re all remote workers who […]
Category: Motivation
Today’s guest article is written by our newest associate: Zoe Tracey. Zoe is an insightful, dynamic and dedicated human resources practitioner who achieves strong business outcomes by identifying and addressing issues and building capability at an organisational and individual level. An organisational development specialist with experience across a broad range of projects, Zoe brings a […]
Today, we’re continuing our series on communication. Over the next several weeks, we’ll be sharing insights, strategies, and tips for communicating during all kinds of circumstances: under stress, in the workplace, when delivering a presentation, and so on. The valuable content we provide will help you excel as a communicator and gain a highly coveted […]
When bad news comes around, it can often be devastating to a team. Whether it’s a project failure, a tightening of a deadline, or the removal of resources, it can kill their motivation to keep trying harder. You don’t want this to happen, so what do you do? Here’s how to break that […]
Today, we’re completing our series on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. There’s a reason why Stephen Covey’s global sensation has been a bestseller for decades. The information found within the pages of this book truly has the power to change your life both in the personal and professional spheres. My hope is that […]
Since many employers spend a lot of time and resources recruiting talent, they expect to get as much return. However, this isn’t always the case. A lot of companies are stuck with employees who have the right qualifications but seem to be unable to perform mundane tasks. The following are reasons why employees underperform […]
Every workplace needs a little more innovation to carry it into the future. The top performers in your office might have been with you for years, and they’re probably used to the way you’ve always done things. If your original company culture never held innovation as a core value, it’s time to make some […]
Today, we’re continuing our series on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. If you’ve missed any of the previous installments, you can access them below: In Part 1, we discussed the importance of taking initiative and being proactive in life. In Part 2, we discussed how getting clear on your values will help […]
Welcome to the third installment in our series about The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. If you missed the first installment, you can read it here. In it, we discuss the first habit in Stephen Covey’s bestselling book: being proactive. Being proactive is all about taking a self-starter’s response to life’s challenges. In other […]
One of the key attributes of a great leader is knowing how to react to the successes and failures of the company on a daily basis. Keeping your team working hard, happy, and productive is the way to success. If you manage all of your successes properly, you can achieve a lot of great […]