Adaptive Teams Coaching Emotional Intelligence Mastery Mindfulness Personality Positivity Resilience

The 4 traits of resilient people – adaptability

Today we offer our final installment in our series on The 4 Traits of Resilient People. You can find the previous three installments here: Part 1: Confidence Part 2: Purpose Part 3: Social Support   The final trait we will be discussing in this series is: Adaptability. This is perhaps what we most associate with resilient […]

Adaptive Teams Development Emotional Intelligence Leadership Mindfulness Personality Positivity Potential Purpose reflection Teamwork Values and Behaviours

The 4 traits of resilient people – confidence

One of the topics I discuss in my upcoming book, Thriving in Change (working title), is the subject of resilient people. When we go through a change of any kind, our resilience (or lack thereof) can certainly be put to the test. But wouldn’t it be great to stand tall and brave the storm no […]

Brain Science Change Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Leadership Mindfulness Motivation Organisational Culture Personality Positivity Relationship Building Teamwork Values and Behaviours

Building a positive culture in the workplace, Part 4

Productivity. Teamwork. Happiness. Wellbeing. These are all things we want in any workplace. When we find ourselves in a work environment that embodies these attributes, we thrive. Creativity soars. Collaboration takes place more regularly and does so at enhanced levels. Team members build health relationships with each other and thereby make the workplace enjoyable. For […]

Change Coaching Emotional Intelligence Leadership Mindfulness Motivation Personality reflection

Tips for getting the best from your leadership coaching

If you are a leader, a business person or just want to learn to be more effective at work, executive coaching is one of the best investments you will ever make in yourself. A good coach helps you gain clarity and provides a safe yet challenging environment for you to practice self awareness and to […]

Emotional Intelligence Leadership Mindfulness reflection Values and Behaviours

The importance of values

I have been working a lot with clients on values recently and it led me to doing a new values elicitation exercise for myself. I last defined my values in 2004, as part of coaching I was getting to help me through a particularly challenging and draining work situation. I was interested to see if […]

Change Emotional Intelligence Leadership Mindfulness Motivation reflection

5 reasons leaders need time out!

In working with leaders, and facilitating leadership programs, one of the key things I am hearing is that leaders are increasingly critically time poor. I had the pleasure of spending 2 days recently with a group of women leaders in a program and the key theme that came out was how valuable it was to […]