Welcome to the third installment in our series about The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. If you missed the first installment, you can read it here. In it, we discuss the first habit in Stephen Covey’s bestselling book: being proactive. Being proactive is all about taking a self-starter’s response to life’s challenges. In other […]
Category: Leadership
One of the key attributes of a great leader is knowing how to react to the successes and failures of the company on a daily basis. Keeping your team working hard, happy, and productive is the way to success. If you manage all of your successes properly, you can achieve a lot of great […]
If you’ve never been responsible for creating a winning team before, it may be difficult to determine where to start. If you’re already responsible for creating teams, it’s never a bad idea to strengthen your skills. There’s always room for improvement, and changing the way you approach team building can help you create a group […]
Welcome to the second installment in our new series about The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. If you missed the first installment, you can read it here. In it, we discuss the first habit in Stephen Covey’s bestselling book, and that is the habit of being proactive. This is all about your response to […]
Today, we’re finishing up our miniseries on workplace stress. We’ve covered a great deal of ground these past few weeks when it comes to this incredibly important yet often overlooked topic. Despite how pervasive an epidemic it is (approximately 40% of employees experience persistent stress or excessive anxiety on a daily basis), not enough workplaces […]
According to a recent study, approximately 40% of employees experience persistent stress or excessive anxiety on a daily basis in the workplace. It’s a costly epidemic. Karen Higginbottom over at Forbes writes, “Employees suffering from high stress levels have lower engagement, are less productive and have higher absenteeism levels than those not working under excessive […]
In the 1980s and 1990s, media representations of what the workplace looked like were almost unbearably grim. From Office Space to Weekend at Bernie’s, Friends to The Drew Carey Show, workplaces were represented as soulless, empty places run by faceless corporations with zero qualms about working employees to the bone. Thankfully, the workplace in 2016 […]
You’ve probably heard the expression before that your team is only as strong as your weakest link. This is especially important to keep in mind when it comes to companies and organisations. After all, employees are the building blocks of your business. The stronger the team you’ve assembled, the more robust that business will be. […]
Last time on the blog, we introduced the concept of a ‘scarcity mentality’ in the workplace—a very real matter that many employees experience across a wide variety of companies and organisations. Why does the scarcity mentality matter in the workplace? Because if your team members maintain such a mindset in their day-to-day job, it can […]
In The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John C. Maxwell speaks about The Law of the Mirror. This law asserts that your team will mirror your attitudes and behaviours. In other words, people do what they see, which is why your influence on your team is extremely important. The mindset you model is the mindset […]