Adaptive Teams Community Employee Engagement Leadership Management Organisational Culture Social Support Teamwork Workplace

Easy ice breakers to keep remote teams connected

For an organisation that is focused on fostering teamwork, team collaboration, and employee engagement, keeping teams connected is very crucial. However, it can be difficult for people to connect if they are not familiar and comfortable with each other. That is where icebreakers play a critical role. In a traditional office, breaking the ice easy, […]

Adaptive Teams Leadership Management Unconscious Bias

4 strategies to challenge unconscious bias

According to a recent article published by McKinsey & Company, unconscious biases can be shaping our thinking more than we know. Julia Sperling is a medical doctor with a background in neuroscience. She’s also a faculty member of McKinsey Leadership Development, where she helps aspiring leaders see how their thinking is shaped by cognitive biases, and […]

Adaptive Teams Leadership Management Productivity Wellness

Remote workers are putting in longer hours – here’s why that’s not a good thing

With so much of the global workforce working from home offices, it’s not unusual for many employees to work around-the-clock, as there no longer is a clear distinction between ‘the office’ and being ‘home.’ As a result, many individuals are easily putting in 50, 60, and more hours a week. Indeed, a number of studies […]

Adaptive Teams Employee Engagement Leadership Management Productivity Workplace

Engaging employees during a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the number of people who work from home significantly. In the last couple of months, most companies have had to switch their operations to virtual to get work done and retain employees. Remote working presents several challenges to employees especially those that were not accustomed to working from home. Given […]

Adaptive Teams Employee Engagement Leadership Management Productivity Workplace

How to successfully build a remote team

Having a remote team has plenty of upsides. If you play your cards right, you will save on overheads, speed up your product delivery, and enjoy insights from team members with unique perspectives. Not needing to pay for or come into the office has advantages for management and ordinary employees alike. But if you are […]

Adaptive Teams Development Employee Engagement Productivity Workplace

9 ways to get over the mid-afternoon slump without coffee

How many times a week do you find your alertness or energy fading in the middle of the day? If that never happens to you, congratulations! But for many of us, what’s known as the mid-afternoon slump is an all-too-common experience. Maybe you ate something that day, such as a whole bunch of donuts at […]

Adaptive Teams Employee Engagement Leadership Management Productivity Teamwork

How to make your Zoom meetings more productive

With the current global pandemic still ongoing, many office workers are still operating out of their homes. The video conferencing platform, Zoom, has very much become the glue that holds teams together, allowing colleagues to continue meeting to discuss business goals, upcoming project deadlines, and any obstacles that need to be addressed to continue with […]

Adaptive Teams Communication Community Development Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Leadership Management Positivity Productivity Stress Wellness

Helping employees manage stress during a pandemic

At the start of the year, none of us could’ve ever imagined what 2020 would end up looking like.   The majority of the global workforce has now been relegated to home offices, Zoom meetings, and Slack messages. Many are juggling remote work with childcare, pet care, and household-related errands. And now with August officially here, many […]

Adaptive Teams Communication Community Development Employee Engagement Leadership Management Organisational Culture Productivity Stress Wellness Workplace

4 ways to keep employee morale high

Why is keeping employee morale high such an important task? Simply put, employees are the building blocks of any company or business. The stronger the team you’ve assembled, the more robust your organisation will be. If that team falters in any way, however, it can have consequences that impact the company as a whole. That’s […]

Adaptive Teams Communication Community Development Employee Engagement Leadership Management Productivity Technology

3 keys to effectively leading remote teams

Less than a year ago, the topic of remote teams and whether or not more companies should consider flexible work options was nothing more than an occasional conversation piece. Today, the majority of the global workforce (with exception to “essential” employees who are slowly reporting back to work in some parts of the world) is […]