Adaptive Teams Development Emotional Intelligence Leadership Mindfulness Personality Positivity Potential Purpose reflection Teamwork Values and Behaviours

The 4 traits of resilient people – confidence

One of the topics I discuss in my upcoming book, Thriving in Change (working title), is the subject of resilient people. When we go through a change of any kind, our resilience (or lack thereof) can certainly be put to the test. But wouldn’t it be great to stand tall and brave the storm no […]

Adaptive Teams Change Development Emotional Intelligence Growing Pains Leadership Motivation Organisational Culture Personality Positivity Potential Purpose Teamwork Values and Behaviours

The third stage of change

In my upcoming book, Thriving in Change (working title), one of the things I discuss are the many stages of change. In today’s blog, I want to give you an exclusive sneak peek at an excerpt from the book which deals with the third stage of change: the starting anew stage. Most people find that […]

Adaptive Teams Change Coaching Development Emotional Intelligence Growing Pains Leadership Teamwork

The second stage of change

In my upcoming book, Thriving in Change (working title), one of the things I discuss are the many stages of change. In today’s blog, I want to give you an exclusive sneak peek at an excerpt from the book which deals with the second stage of change: the transitional stage.   THE TRANSITIONAL STAGE Once […]

Adaptive Teams Change Coaching Development Emotional Intelligence Growing Pains Leadership Mastery Organisational Culture Potential Purpose Teamwork Values and Behaviours

A look into what change really is

In case you haven’t heard the news, I’ll be releasing a book in the coming months called Thriving in Change (working title). To celebrate its release, I’ll be sharing sneak peeks of the book right here on the blog. First, let’s take a look at what change really is:   According to Kurt Lewin, change […]

Adaptive Teams Change Coaching Development Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Growing Pains Leadership Mastery Motivation Organisational Culture Personality Potential Purpose Teamwork Values and Behaviours

Why we must learn to cope with change at work

I’m thrilled to announce my upcoming book, Working Title: Thriving in Change, due out in the next few months. If you’re struggling with organisational change and finding it increasingly hard to cope with the relentless pace of change in your workplace, then this book is for you. If you are managing reasonably well at the moment, […]

Adaptive Teams Coaching Development Employee Engagement Leadership Mastery Organisational Culture Purpose Relationship Building Research Teamwork

The importance of establishing a learning culture

This week, we’ve got another insightful infographic on the blog. This one comes from, a web resource where organisations can learn how to create and sustain a learning culture among their team members. We’ve talked a lot about the importance of continual education among employees, as well as the importance of upskilling. As Helen […]

Adaptive Teams Change Coaching Development Employee Engagement Generational Differences Growing Pains Leadership Motivation Organisational Culture Personality Potential Research

The value of upskilling

We’ve talked a lot about the importance of upskilling in the workplace, and now a new graphic from Richard Madison, the Marketing Executive of the Brighton School of Business and Management ( demonstrates even further the value of upskilling and how it can contribute to a more productive workplace within your company. Of particular note […]

Adaptive Teams Change Coaching Communication Development Employee Engagement Leadership Organisational Culture Potential Research Teamwork Values and Behaviours

How to improve boundary fluidity within your company

Today, we’re discussing the final trait among the five named as the most stand-out in highly adaptive teams, according to an article by Roselinde Torres. As a review, here are the traits we’ve already covered:   One Voice. “Adaptive teams take the time to get completely aligned about the organisation’s vision, values, and vital priorities, while […]

Adaptive Teams Autonomy Coaching Development Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Organisational Culture Research Teamwork Values and Behaviours

Why more autonomy leads to a more adaptive team

This is the fourth installment in our ongoing series about highly adaptive teams. The more adaptive companies are, the more financial gains that company generates. They also consistently outperform their industry peers and sustain superior performance over time. There are five traits in particular that are instrumental toward forming and nurturing a highly adaptive team. […]

Adaptive Teams Coaching Development Employee Engagement Leadership Mastery Research Values and Behaviours

The benefits of better information processing

A study titled “The Value of Adaptive Advantage” proves that the more adaptive companies are, the more financial gains that company generates. They also consistently outperform their industry peers and sustain superior performance over time. The study also revealed five additional traits that are instrumental toward forming and nurturing a highly adaptive team. Those traits […]