Managing Workplace Conflict Confrontation and conflict between people is as old as…well…people. Any time you have humans operating together there are going to be times when people disagree, don’t get on, have differences of opinion or just plain can’t stand each other! So how should you manage workplace conflict? Watch above (4 mins), or read […]
One of the most critical things to invest time in when looking for a job is your LinkedIn profile. It works as your online resume or portfolio that continues to benefit you even when you sleep. Creating a powerful LinkedIn profile is a great way to build and boost your personal brand. Many employers check […]
7 Brain Hacks That Boost Productivity. Productivity is important. There are many obstacles to productivity, such as a lack of focus, a lack of intention, a lack of stamina, and too many distractions, to name a few. Hack your brain and increase your productivity with these 7 strategies. (3 minutes 41 seconds watch time, or read […]
You can’t make people give you discretionary effort There are 4 key characteristics of a leader that people want to do their best for… I was meeting a business contact for a coffee recently and we started talking about getting the best out of people. My contact works in an industry that can be quite […]
It doesn’t matter what you do, how big your company is, and where you’re located – you need to do whatever you can to make your business as successful as possible. One of the ways to do that is by implementing new technology in the workplace and updating it from time to time. This isn’t […]
Are your people critical flight risks? I was speaking with a connection of mine recently, who has just resigned from a long-term employment relationship. He was happy at work, enjoyed his job, and hadn’t thought about going elsewhere, but he was headhunted. He was a critical flight risk. I asked why he chose to leave. […]
As many countries are heading out of lockdown and we’re let ‘out’ into the world again, many leaders hoped to be breathing a sigh of relief. Surely things were going to be easier, better and everyone would feel great? That after a summer holiday, they’d be refreshed and raring to go again. The reality is […]
Are you tired of working without recognition? Employees want it, managers know it’s important, and it usually doesn’t cost anything. When you look at it that way, you’d expect to be drowning in recognition at work. Watch the video (4 mins 55s) or read on for tips to get more recognition at work. A recent […]
Any business is filled with what can sometimes seem like competing priorities. For many leaders, the primary one is to create profit that pleases stakeholders and pushes toward growth within the industry. It is also vital to ensure employees are treated with respect and consideration to keep them healthy and productive. In too many cases, […]
What to do when your team won’t make decisions. This was an excellent question asked recently by a coaching client. She said “Ros, my team leaders won’t make decisions. They come to me all the time so I can tell them what to do. How do I encourage them to come to me with solutions […]