Book Reviews Coaching Communication Development Leadership Mastery Mindfulness Potential Productivity Relationship Building

The 7 habits of highly effective people: seek first to understand

Today, we’re continuing our series on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.   If you’ve missed any of the previous installments, you can access them below: In Part 1 ,we discussed the importance of taking initiative and being proactive in life. In Part 2, we discussed how getting clear on your values will help you live […]

Adaptive Teams Communication Development Motivation Organisational Culture Potential Productivity

How to create the culture of innovation

  Every workplace needs a little more innovation to carry it into the future. The top performers in your office might have been with you for years, and they’re probably used to the way you’ve always done things. If your original company culture never held innovation as a core value, it’s time to make some […]

Adaptive Teams Coaching Community Development Leadership Motivation Positivity Potential Productivity Purpose Teamwork

The 7 habits of highly effective people: think win-win

Today, we’re continuing our series on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.   If you’ve missed any of the previous installments, you can access them below: In Part 1, we discussed the importance of taking initiative and being proactive in life. In Part 2, we discussed how getting clear on your values will help […]

Book Reviews Development Emotional Intelligence Leadership Mastery Motivation Positivity Productivity Purpose Values and Behaviours

The 7 habits of highly effective people: put first things first

Welcome to the third installment in our series about The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. If you missed the first installment, you can read it here. In it, we discuss the first habit in Stephen Covey’s bestselling book: being proactive. Being proactive is all about taking a self-starter’s response to life’s challenges. In other […]

Adaptive Teams Community Development Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Positivity Productivity Relationship Building

The power of victory: why great leaders celebrate small wins with their teams

  One of the key attributes of a great leader is knowing how to react to the successes and failures of the company on a daily basis. Keeping your team working hard, happy, and productive is the way to success. If you manage all of your successes properly, you can achieve a lot of great […]

Adaptive Teams Coaching Community Development Leadership Productivity Teamwork

How to build and manage great teams

If you’ve never been responsible for creating a winning team before, it may be difficult to determine where to start. If you’re already responsible for creating teams, it’s never a bad idea to strengthen your skills. There’s always room for improvement, and changing the way you approach team building can help you create a group […]

Book Reviews Coaching Development Leadership Mindfulness Positivity Potential Productivity Purpose Values and Behaviours

The 7 habits of highly effective people: begin with the end in mind

Welcome to the second installment in our new series about The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. If you missed the first installment, you can read it here. In it, we discuss the first habit in Stephen Covey’s bestselling book, and that is the habit of being proactive. This is all about your response to […]

Organisational Culture Productivity

How does your office design influence employee productivity?

Making the magic happen is a responsibility that lies mostly on your employees. They can’t do that if you aren’t providing them with the magic wand they need. Sometimes, the key to unlocking that magic lies in designing an office space that creates the right flow of energy to boost their productivity. They do so […]

Development Motivation Stress

5 ways to defend yourself against stress

Today we’re continuing our series on stress management. We’re particularly focusing on the individual’s approach to overcoming stress and the personal strategies you can begin to implement in your own life to combat stress and live a healthier lifestyle with a better work/balance. According to the Management Study Guide website, “Employees stress is a growing […]