Change Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Leadership Motivation Organisational Culture Teamwork

You can’t make people give you discretionary effort

I was meeting a business contact for a coffee recently and we started talking about getting the best out of people. My contact works in an industry that can be quite hierarchical and rules driven and can struggle to engage people. The question we talked over was “how do you get people to work harder”? […]

Leadership Organisational Culture Teamwork Values and Behaviours

A new start in 2013 – the importance of purpose and values

Towards the end of 2012 I was working with organisations and teams to create shared purpose and values because they wanted to make a fresh start in 2013. Purpose and values are vital in creating employee engagement (to the team and the organisation) because they take what people do day to day and connect that […]

Change Emotional Intelligence Leadership Teamwork

Building your resilience

Whether you are gearing up for a business transformation in 2013, spending the holiday season with demanding relatives, or even getting ready for the apocalypse at the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21 (*smile*) here are some tips for building your resilience. Firstly, resilience is the ability to bounce back or recover well […]

Leadership Organisational Culture Teamwork

Reflections on organisational culture

I followed the Lance Armstrong saga with interest, mainly because I facilitated a large culture change program for a business where we used a motivational video about teamwork starring Armstrong and the US Postal team. The video was enormously inspiring and covered his journey through testicular cancer and back to being on the very top […]


The power of words

During the week I facilitated a change session for one of my clients. The client is going through a significant business transformation and the employees in the session were expressing varying degrees of emotion ranging from neutral to confusion to anger. Several people mentioned they were feeling very emotional and might struggle to keep their […]

Brain Science Emotional Intelligence Leadership Teamwork

The art of paying attention

Today I read two articles that I found interesting – one about the myth of multitasking and the other about emotional contagion. They got me thinking about just how powerful paying attention is as a leadership tool. The article on multitasking described how biologically we are incapable of attending to multiple tasks – our brains […]

Change Coaching Difficult Conversations

Good boss / bad boss – is it them, or you?

I was reading a LinkedIn discussion recently from someone seeking help for a client who is intimidated by her boss and wanted resources and reading to help. Lots of replies had been posted, mostly along the lines of “bad boss – what needs to be changed is his behaviour”, until someone pointed out that everyone […]


Developing your emotional intelligence – part 4

If you have only just joined us in this series on Emotional Intelligence, you may want to start with reading the previous posts, starting with Part 1 Read my previous blogs on EI at We have previously discussed the skills of RECOGNISING, USING and UNDERSTANDING emotions. Now let’s look at MANAGING […]


Developing your emotional intelligence – part 3

If you have only just joined us in this series on Emotional Intelligence, you may want to start with reading the previous posts, starting with Part 1 Read my previous blogs on EI at We have previously discussed the skills of RECOGNISING and USING emotions. Now let’s look at UNDERSTANDING emotions […]


Developing your emotional intelligence – part 2

If you have only just joined us in this series on Emotional Intelligence, you may want to start with reading the previous posts, starting with Part 1 Read my previous blogs on EI at Having previously looked at how to develop the skill of RECOGNISING, let’s look now at USING – […]