Brain Science Communication Community Development Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Extrinsic Vs. Intrinsic Motivation Leadership Management Positivity Productivity Workplace

7 secrets to using praise to motivate employees

What workplace doesn’t want more motivated employees? After all, an employee who’s truly motivated is an employee who’s going to strive to put forth their best work day-in and day-out. So how can managers increase motivation in their team members? The answer might surprise you. It has everything to do with praise.     Praise […]

Adaptive Teams Development Employee Engagement Leadership Management Productivity Research Workplace

5 tech trends to improve your workplace productivity

We live in a world of emerging technologies where a variety of technological trends can impact workplaces. According to a report published by Gallup’s State of the American Workforce, teams that are engaged achieve 21% more profitability, but only 51% of employees feel engaged in their assigned work. Keeping in mind these findings, it is […]

Adaptive Teams Community Development Employee Engagement Generational Differences Hiring Leadership Management Motivation Productivity Psychology Purpose Research Teamwork Values and Behaviours Workplace

The benefits of millennials in the workplace

Millennials are soon to be the largest population in the global workforce. Traditionally, companies have found it challenging to attract, and more importantly retain, millennial talent. Job seekers from this generation (which is comprised of those who were born between the years of 1981 and 1996) tend to possess different values when it comes to […]

Adaptive Teams Community Development Employee Engagement Generational Differences Hiring Management Motivation Organisational Culture Purpose Research Teamwork Workplace

4 secrets to attracting millennials to your workplace

In 2016, millennials (a generation usually defined by those born between 1981 and 1996) became the largest generation in the U.S. workforce. In the years to come, the members of this generation will be the ones to eventually assume the managerial reins of companies the world over. To ensure the security of your company’s future […]

Communication Development Emotional Intelligence Employee Engagement Leadership Management Wellness Workplace

Are you good at active listening? Why all leaders should be

Communication is key. That’s especially true in the workplace, where effective communication is essential to a fully functioning working environment. But communication isn’t simply a necessary skill among employees who are working together to achieve a desired outcome. It’s also a skill that every leader needs to master. After all, leaders rely on communication in […]

Employee Engagement Productivity Psychology Research Stress Wellness Workplace

How to boost workplace productivity with office design

It’s no secret that our environment largely impacts our morale and productivity. Workplace stress has reached an all-time high in recent years, and many have posited that office design has played a key role in this. After all, it’s hard to operate at your highest potential in a space with dull colours, fluorescent lights, and […]

Adaptive Teams Brain Science Communication Community Employee Engagement Leadership Management Positivity Psychology Relationship Building Research Workplace

5 ways to improve your know, like, and trust factor as a leader

There are a few things that people immediately decide within mere seconds of meeting you. Some of those things include deciding if you’re smart, if you’re successful, and— perhaps most importantly—whether or not they feel like they know, like, and trust you. Your ‘know, like, and trust’ factor is important when you hold a leadership […]

Coaching Development Leadership Mastery Mindfulness Potential Productivity Research Stress

Want to get started with a leadership journal? Here’s how

In our last blog, we discussed the benefits of keeping a journal, especially if you’re in a position of leadership. In fact, journaling for as little as 15 minutes a day can potentially improve a person’s confidence and self-awareness. Others report benefits such as better organisation, improved decision making, improved attitude, enhanced intention, and positive […]

Adaptive Teams Communication Community Development Employee Engagement Leadership Management Organisational Culture Positivity Productivity Relationship Building Teamwork Wellness Workplace

How to organise a successful team-building event

Team-building events are steadily on the rise. More companies are beginning to realise that teams that work effectively together are far more productive. You can’t just throw a group of random people in the same office and hope for the best. Even a talented group of individuals will fail to achieve their goals without proper […]

Brain Science Coaching Development Emotional Intelligence Leadership Management Mastery Mindfulness Positivity Potential Productivity Purpose reflection Research Stress Wellness Workplace

Want more high-performance days as a leader? Keep a journal

Can keeping a journal boost your leadership skills? In our last blog, we took a close look at the most common daily habits that highly successful leaders tend to practice every morning. One of those habits—and one that you’ll find countless CEOs, executives, managers, and leaders extoling across the board—is journaling. In fact, in Hal […]