The typical 9-5 work day can seem long sometimes. As a result, it’s not at all uncommon for employees to sometimes find it challenging to stay motivated throughout the day just as much as it’s challenging for leaders and managers to find effective means of motivating their employees. But without motivation, a workplace lacks productivity. And […]
Why is keeping employee morale high such an important task? Simply put, employees are the building blocks of any company or business. The stronger the team you’ve assembled, the more robust your organisation will be. If that team falters in any way, however, it can have consequences that impact the company as a whole. That’s […]
Less than a year ago, the topic of remote teams and whether or not more companies should consider flexible work options was nothing more than an occasional conversation piece. Today, the majority of the global workforce (with exception to “essential” employees who are slowly reporting back to work in some parts of the world) is […]
For the first time in history, there are more people working remotely than in traditional offices. That is the new normal during the Coronavirus pandemic. Most employers and employees weren’t prepared to make the transition to this new normal and, as is anyone’s guess, that has precipitated many challenges especially to employees. Work from […]
Remote work has become the new normal for the majority of the global workforce. Many companies are now even considering a permanent transition to remote working, having now experienced firsthand the many benefits of such an arrangement, such as the absence of overhead costs that come with running an onsite office (utility bills, equipment costs, […]
With the majority of the labor force relegated to home offices, more people than ever are taking advantage of online learning in order to invest in their personal and professional development as well as acquire new skills for future advancement in their careers. After all, continuing education is an important aspect of leadership development. The […]
For your business to run smoothly, you have to make decisions, whether simple or complex. And every decision you make can affect the success of the company in the long term. As an executive, you have to ensure continued operation and growth of the business, and this can be significantly more straightforward by using technology. […]
If you’re one of the many employees around the world who is now working from home as a result of the global pandemic, chances are that you’ve heard of Zoom. Zoom is a video conferencing platform that allows users to hold online meetings, webinars, conferences, and phone calls. In March, Zoom’s daily users jumped from […]
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies around the world have had to implement voluntary or mandatory remote working policies. Business owners and managers are contending with this new reality that requires them to lead their teams from afar. You might be worried about how you will keep morale and productivity high, communicate effectively with […]
Current events in our world have completely transformed the norm when it comes to the way we work. The majority of office workers, for instance, are now relegated to home offices. For those who aren’t used to this way of working (referred to as remote work), it can be challenging to stay focused on […]