
How will upskilling benefit your business and your employees?

Today’s article is from guest blogger Helen Sabell from the College for Adult Learning.

Nowadays, with technological advancements endlessly evolving and creating change within our businesses, it has become more crucial than ever to ensure your current skills and techniques are up to date. The more skilled your employees are, the easier it is for your business to obtain the level of productivity and efficiency essential to achieve success within your sector.

Adult online courses are becoming increasingly popular as companies are recognising that the skills of their employees serves as one of the most essential aspects to their companies. Companies frequently suffer from skills shortages, which proves a threat to the overall growth of the business.


Build Your Business

Motivated employees are more likely to go the extra mile for your company. Increased training means greater productivity and increased time efficiency which leads to higher long-term profits. By initiating training and development schemes, staff are kept industry proficient and ahead of industry advancements ensuring you stay ahead of your competitors.


Team Investment

Many employers see staff training as an inconvenience however employees enjoy the stimulation of learning fresh new skills and techniques. Upskilling your employees increases their sense of value which leads to a loyalty for your company. Staff that feel more valued are increasingly likely to stay long term within the company as they feel respected and part of the team bringing contentment with their jobs.


Keep it In-House

Upskilling can fill gaps you may have within your organisation which may have been challenging to fill. By re-deploying staff to different sectors and giving opportunity for in-house promotions will prove more effective than recruiting outside of your company.


Essentially, by upskilling your workers it shows how you value their performance and are invested in the work they do for the company. Showing an eagerness to invest in the skills of your employees shows your commitment to them and your willingness to help them excel at their job.

Technical advancements have established that we all need to partake on a continuous learning path. Companies need to be constantly reviewing their processes to see if there are alternate ways to be doing tasks more efficiently. If you are not going forward, you’re going backwards, by ensuring you have the most skilled and proficient workforce you are on track for continuous business growth.


Author Bio

Helen Sabell works for the College for Adult Learning, she is passionate about adult and lifelong learning. She has designed, developed and authored many workplace leadership and training programs, both in Australia and overseas. Helen also works with a select group of organisations consulting in People Management & Development, Education and Change.

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